Monday, December 2, 2013

Today is the first day.

Hi my name is Adrian and I'm 59. I want to start a better exercise routine. Today, I excersize randomly, eat not excessively and sleep without a routine. But I surely want to be in greater shape. I want to be able to have more energy, live longer and serve better. I want to enjoy my wife, children and grandchildren, whenever they come, more and more.
I want to continue learning and giving. I want to be more ALIVE¡

The first day

This is it, I've created a blog to get me to March & 2014.

That day I turn 60. That is:

95 days
3 months 5 days
13 weeks 4 days
69 weekdays
0.26th of a year

All this, according to Siri on my iPhone.

My plan is to start exercising and eating better.
I can say I feel grateful for the way I look and perform. Heavenly Father has being so generous with me, keeping me healthy. But I can surely do a better job taking care of myself.
Here is a typical look bad photo of myself to be able to monitor the improvements.

I weight 185 pounds.

Here are my 10  basic 60 and Performing 40 motivation goals.

1- Stop trying so hard. I will just enjoy the ride and will not try to hard.

2- What happens if I stop now? How about in 10 yrs? I will perform, look and feel bad. Probably get sick. Think...think.

3- Keep all promises. To make sure I can keep them to myself, I will make sure I keep my promises to others. I don't do bad at all now.

4- I felt great right after. After every workout, I will analyze and record my feelings. This will motivate. Feel like I've reached my goal.

5- This is my plan to perform like 40 at 60: 

  • To weight 170 with body tone and resistance. 
  • Reward midway ( 175.5),  get me a present every 3 pounds off (wife, children, welcome) and celebrate small performing goals. 3 straight days, one week, 15 days, 1 month, 2 months and final trip celebration.
  • Hang my photo when I was 40 near the mirror and hang an old outfit that will suit me when I reach goal. 
  • Weight myself each only each week or two. 
  • Set stage. Things around my wardrobe and home meet to remind me of my goal.
  • Create a list of good outcomes. 
  • Read scriptures and then sleep at 10:30 
  • I will start using the Zombie 5k iPhone app. Then move forward accordingly to new ways. I'll drastically reduce sugar, bread and salt. Will get on my training outfit every morning at 6:30 and take it from there. That is it. 
8- Get a trainer and compete. Share with Nancy. She is my main motivation. Pray that we can live long together, health. Serve and travel enjoying life.

9- Document with pictures. Start blog. Here it is¡

10- Put my hand in my hart and stop critiquing myself. I'll do this every time I find myself desanimado. 

 Well, this is the first day of the rest of my life.... good luck to me¡


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